Saturday, March 26, 2011

Nutrition week : 5 colours A Day

Dear batchreps,

The month of April is the Nutrition Month for the whole of Malaysia, in conjuction of the Nutrition Month Malaysia 2011, our batch (ND108) is organizing IMU's first ever Nutrition Week.. it will be from 4th April to 8th April 2011. Can u guys please please do us a big favor by updating and promoting the following events to your batchmates?

========== announcement starts here ============
IMU's Nutrition Week 2011 is coming your way!
the theme this year is "5 Colours A Day", Five colours of fruits and vegetables that is..
Is the fruits and vegetables in your diet adequate?
You think it's impossible to achieve 5 colours a day??
let us show you..

come join us at the Atrium, 4-8 April 2011.. look forward for the exciting activities and attractive prizes coming your way..
here's a sneak peak of what's coming up..

Promo Video:

WANTED! you.. yes you! are you a fruits and veggies lover??
come show us your passion for fruits and vegetables! be IMU's first Ms Fruiti-licious and Mr Vege-able!

calling all photographers out there, you know you're up for the challenge..
grab your camera and get those shutters clicking! show us the theme 5 Colours A Day through your lens~

girls, grab your besties! guys, team up with your brothers! and let's have fun! game stations will be up in the Atrium on 6th and 7th of April!

IMU's very first Juice Bar! What healthier way than to quench your thirst on our variety of fresh fruit and vegetable juices! In addition to that, for every juice that is purchased, you will help gain a point for your own respective batch. By the end of the week, the batch that collected the highest point will not only gain Healthiest Batch of the Year, but will also stand a chance in winning the Grand Prize!
So what are you waiting for? Come and get juicy with us from the 5th-6th April 2011, 11am-2pm at the Atrium!

love cooking? don't know how? whichever category you are in, there's something for everyone!
let us show you how to achieve 5 colours of fruits and vegetables in just one snack! this 7th of April..
think you can do better? show IMU your creativity and WOW us with your secret recipe! send us your recipe today!

for more information, visit our Facebook page: ND108 Nutrition Week 2011 :: 5 Colours A Day

==================== end =========================

thank you for your kind attention and cooperation :) hope to see you there!

Batch Representative, ND108

1 comment:

  1. Always include fruits and vegetables in your diet. Take what's necessary for your health such as Lorna Vanderhaeghe.
