Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Go Green Competition

Go Green Campaign will be held from 14th to 18th March 2011.
1) During this week, there will be a surcharge of 30cents for use of plastic bags or styrofoam boxes.
2) There is also a lucky draw, details are as follow: (perhaps it will be easier for you to tell them there is lucky draw and wait for them to look out for the details)
Students are strongly encouraged to bring their own container. For students who didn't use plastic bag from 14th -17th March 2011, they are entitled to a stamp. Collect 3 stamps and they are entitled to a lucky draw entry. There's no limit to lucky draw entry. Lucky draw will be held on 18th March 2011, from 11am to 12pm.
3) There is photography competition.
4) There is interbatch recyclables collection competition.
5) There will be talks held by WWF and various other NGOs.
Attached are the posters for the competitions. It will be of great help if you can post them on the batch blog.
SRC Treasurer 2010/11

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